Wednesday, September 18, 2024

To the Editor

To the Editor, The recent revelations regarding the Riley Pass Nuclear Processing Facility, located north of Buffalo, SD, and upstream from Rock Creek and Running Antelope, are nothing short of chilling. The scale of the environmental contamination and the deliberate efforts to conceal it from the public evoke the worst memories of Love Canal. This is not merely an environmental disaster; it's a betrayal of public trust on a monumental scale.

The parallels between Riley Pass and Love Canal are striking. In both cases, we see a pattern of corporate negligence, regulatory failure, and a blatant disregard for the health and safety of surrounding communities. The long-term consequences of this contamination will be felt for generations to come. Particularly devastating are the downstream health effects reported by the Hunkpapa community living along the Grand River, which include diabetes, amputation, high blood pressure, and learning difficulties. These are not just statistics; they represent real lives irrevocably damaged by this environmental catastrophe.

We demand a full and transparent investigation into the Riley Pass coverup. Those responsible must be held accountable, and swift action must be taken to mitigate the environmental damage and provide comprehensive health care and support to affected communities. The health and safety of the public must be our top priority.

We cannot allow another Love Canal to happen on our watch. We urge our elected officials to take immediate action and ensure that the Riley Pass disaster is thoroughly investigated and addressed. We owe it to ourselves and to future generations to protect our environment and hold those who endanger it accountable.

Sincerely, Harold One Feather, Hunkpapa Tongan Scout

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