Sunday, April 20, 2008

Navajo Challenge Uranium Mining Permit on Tribal Lands

Way to go...The war drums are beating in Navajo Country, URI aka Hydro is going to get scalped!!!

The Navajo communities of Crownpoint and Church Rock, New Mexico will fight the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the permitted company, Hydro Resources, Inc., demanding that they stay off Navajo lands in New Mexico.

Can't steal uranium any more, no more suffering, no more pain. Time to open eyes on those that believe nuclear energy is going to stop the "electricity shortage." What shortage, the only shortage is in those people's pockets that speculate that nuclear energy will save polar bears from drowning.

The only way to deal with climate change is to stop using those current sources of energy that are causing the problem in the first place. If that seems impossible, then perhaps we are heading down that road to self-extinction without the help of a comet or any other natural catastrophe.

Nuclear energy is not clean energy, it is not renewable is just another lethal weapon as a wolf hiding under sheep skin.

1 comment:

green light laser said...

They have a valid point towards their opposition against uranium mining. For one, the radiation levels pose a threat to the health of the environment.