While waiting for my ride to the Sundance ceremony, I couldn't help but write this for you, discussing several major concerns I have about the Nuclear Power Craze.
First of all, I think the Nuclear Boom caught most environmentalists with their pants down, being totally unprepared for this explosion on their psyches and environment, and then being borgified into believing that Nuclear Power is the "solution" to the global warming theory after watching the film "An Inconvenient Truth," depicting Al Gore as the proletarian superhero who'll save us from our ecologically destructive mass consumptive society. Frankly most environmentalists I feel have almost lost sight of their objective as a result of their borgification into this false belief: to protect the environment.
I come from South Dakota, a state rich in mineral resources such as gold and uranium; it is also a state with a very poor environmental record. Most of the river have been contaminated with mining wastes; in the north in the Slim Buttes and Cave Hills areas on the Custer National Forest, uranium mine tailings waste, agricultural chemical wastes, while in the south, the rivers and Black Hills are polluted with gold mining tailings wastes. To me, protecting our rivers and the Black Hills have become a major focus of my life, being a fisherman and an avid outdoorsman. As an ardent and somewhat vocal supporter of environmentalism, I feel that eventually if we yell loud enough, someone will hear us and come to help us in our fight against all of the mining companies in our state.
After reading much of material on the Internet about environmentalism, I also feel that most of these groups have got to become more active in terms of proposing legislation and actual improvements, rather than just having an outdoor meeting just to meet other men and women for dating; this is what MySpace is for. I am not sniping at any group in particular, but specifically all of these environmental groups have got to take one unified stand against the destroyers, rather than fall to the "Divide and Conquer" tactic used on Native Americans for hundreds of years. We have got to remember we all have our parts in this grand play, and at the show's end, the main actor that should take the applause is our planet Earth.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Judge denies Stay: Drilling to continue

"Judge denies Stay"
"Drilling to continue"
June 20, 2007
Rapid City, SD -- South Dakota Circuit Court Judge John Delaney denied a motion for a stay to stop any further drilling by a Uranium mining company near Edgemont. Opposing parties considering state Supreme Court appeal.
Powertech, a Canadian mining company, began drilling uranium exploratory wells in the Dewey Burdock area northwest of Edgemont a few weeks despite the approval of their permit being appealed in court. Two environmental organizations, Defenders of the Black Hills and ACTion for the Environment are appealing the decision made by the South Dakota Board of Mining and Environment. Cindy Gillis, lead counsel for the two groups had previously sought a preliminary injunction and a restraining order. Judge Delaney denied those requests and said a "stay" was the proper procedure, and one was filed on April 30. A hearing was held on June 19, 2007, in the Pennington County Courthouse and the Judge denied the stay stating there was not enough environmental information to show harm to the plaintiffs.
Charmaine White Face, Coordinator for Defenders, said, "This appeal is about the violation of our Constitutional rights. Our concerns about the environment were not even considered by the Board during the first hearing in January," she said. "That's why we appealed their decision in the first place. We are not even to the environmental questions yet."
Attorney Gillis raised the point in court that Powertech will have all their exploratory wells finished before the hearing on the permit can occur. Judge Delaney stated that even though a number of procedural violations were committed by the Board and the State Department of Environment and Natural Resources, he now had the authority to make the decisions and this was his decision.
The Board's Hearing Chair, Lee McCahren, on Jan. 17, 2007, signed the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order that were prepared by Max Main, the attorney for Powertech. This was prior to the Board hearing the oral objections on Jan. 18 at which no court reporter was present. The process also allowed for written objections to be submitted within 30 days after the Hearing. The two groups submitted their written objections, and their objections should have been addressed by the Board in a Final Decision. The Board never sent a Final Decision. In order to participate in an appeal of the decision, the groups filed their appeal in State Court based on the Order sent out by Powertech.
Without the Board following their own procedures, the objections raised by the two groups then become an admission of fact. "Failure to answer an allegation in a petition constitutes and admission of that fact." according to South Dakota Compiled Law, 74:09:01:03. The two groups raise the contamination of the water and watersheds in their objections, as well as the health risks to all living things.
The permit that is being appealed allows Powertech to drill 155 more exploratory wells at depths of 500-600 feet in the southwestern Black Hills. They already have 4,000 uncapped, and unmarked uranium exploratory wells drilled in the past. The mining company plans on doing In Situ Recovery (ISR) of uranium from the Lakota and Fall River aquifers. In Situ Recovery was formerly known as In Situ Leach (ISL)mining.
During the ISR process, a solution to dissolve the uranium is poured down the wells and the dissolved uranium brought back up to the surface. The uranium is separated from the rest of the radioactive waste solution. The radioactive waste solution is then put back into the aquifer after being held in waste ponds on the surface. The procedure contaminates aquifers and cannot be controlled underground. In case of sudden rainstorms, the radioactive waste ponds often overflow and contaminate the surface ground and nearby watersheds as well.
According to Powertech's application, each exploratory drill hole "will have a small excavated mud pit that will be approximately 12 feet by 5 feet" and 10 feet deep. Among the concerns of the environmental groups are the possibility of overflow from the mud pits with the sudden rain showers that occur in the Black Hills. One of the aquifers empties directly into the Cheyenne River and is used by many ranchers to water their livestock. Among the deeper aquifers of concern is the Madison which provides water for many western South Dakota communities.
The two groups are considering appealing the request for a stay to the state Supreme Court. They continue to state that Powertech does not have a valid permit to drill until after the appeal of the granting of the permit is finished.
For more information call Charmaine White Face, Coordinator, at (605) 399-1868.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Uranium Mining Boom

Below is a list of the exploratory uranium prospecting actions by the various uranium mining companies. I wonder if anyone will notice that once a mining company decides to prospect, it eventually will begin mining; and again either leaving an environmental mess for Superfund in the case of an abandoned toxic surface or leave for someone else to worry about, groundwater contamination issues as in an In Situ Leach uranium extraction operation.
Just amazes me that most environmentalist have become pro-nuclear. Probably because they don't realize that during mining booms, all concern for the environment is lost to the madness for profits as in "gold fever."
Uranium Exploration Projects
Northern Miner, Query 6/8/07
State Organization Status Property Name
AK Full Metal Minerals Ltd Exploration McCarthy Marsh
AK Full Metal Minerals Ltd Exploration Boulder Creek Property
AZ Denison Mines Corp Exploration Arizona Strip Property
AZ Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Anderson
AZ Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Colorado Property
AZ Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Rose Property
AZ Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Wate
AZ Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Arizona Strip Resources Joint Venture, LLC
AZ Golden Patriot Corporation Exploration Lucky Boy Project
AZ Liberty Star Gold Corp Exploration North Pipes Project
AZ Quaterra Resources Inc Exploration Arizona Stip Project
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Workman Creek Property
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Lucky Bay Project
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Mormon Lake Property
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Red Bluff Property
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Middleton Mountain Property
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Buckaroo Flats Property
AZ Rodinia Minerals Inc Exploration Pendleton Mesa Property
AZ Tournigan Gold Corporation Exploration
AZ Universal Uranium Ltd Exploration Artillery Peak Property
AZ Uranium Energy Corp Exploration
AZ Uranium Star Corp Exploration Arizona Project
CA Kilgore Minerals Ltd Exploration
CO Anglo-Canadian Uranium Corp Exploration Spider Rock Property
CO Denison Mines Corp Exploration Sunday Mine Complex
CO Energy Fuels Inc Exploration Whirlwind Property
CO Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Hanson Creek Property
CO Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Maybell Project
CO Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Skull Creek Project
CO Powertech Uranium Corp Exploration Centennial Project
CO Universal Uranium Ltd Exploration Marshall Pass Property
CO Universal Uranium Ltd Exploration Jamestown Property
CO Uranium Energy Corp Exploration
CO Laramide Resources Ltd Exploration Los Ochos Property
ID Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Stanley Property
MT Kilgore Minerals Ltd Exploration
NV Duran Ventures Inc Exploration Smokey Valley Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Auto Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Babbit Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Blackbox Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Clearwater Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration New Year Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Shale Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Findlay Tank Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Grama Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Little Robinson Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Lost Calf Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Rim Property
NV Energy Metals Corporation Exploration White River Valley Property
NV International Arimex Resources Exploration California Creek Property
NV Kilgore Minerals Ltd Exploration
NV Northern Canadian Minerals Inc Exploration Carol R Mine Claims
NV Thelon Ventures Ltd Exploration White River Valley Project
NV Western Uranium Corporation Exploration Kings Valley Property
NM Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Crownpoint Property
NM Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Hosta Butte Property
NM Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Nose Rock Project
NM Laramide Resources Ltd Exploration La Jara Mesa Project
NM MAX Resource Corp Exploration C de Baca Project
NM Strathmore Minerals Corp Exploration Church Rock Property
NM Strathmore Minerals Corp Exploration Roca Honda Property
NM Uranium Resources, Inc Exploration Churchrock Project
NM Uranium Resources, Inc Exploration Crownpoint Property
NM Uranium Resources, Inc Exploration Rocha Honda Property
NM Uranium Resources, Inc Exploration West Largo Property
NM Western Uranium Corporation Exploration Treeline Project
NM Laramide Resources Ltd Exploration Melrich Property
OR Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Aurora Property
SD Energy Metals Corporation Exploration
SD Energy Metals Corporation Exploration
SD Northern Canadian Minerals Inc Exploration
SD Powertech Uranium Corp Exploration Dewey-Burdock Property
SD Strathmore Minerals Corp Exploration Chord Property
SD Tournigan Gold Corporation Exploration
SD Trans America Industries Ltd Exploration Edgemount Project
TX Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Chevron Project
TX Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Hobson Facility
TX Energy Metals Corporation Exploration La Palangana Project
TX Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Swinney Switch Project
TX Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Cadena Property
TX Uranium Energy Corp Exploration
UT Anglo-Canadian Uranium Corp Exploration East Canyon Wash Property
UT Denison Mines Corp Exploration Henry Mountains Complex
UT Denison Mines Corp Exploration Deer Creek Complex
UT Denison Mines Corp Exploration Rim Mine
UT Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Congress Property
UT Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Frank M Property
UT Energy Metals Corporation Exploration San Rafael Property
UT Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Velvet Property
UT Energy Metals Corporation Exploration
UT Glen Hawk Minerals Ltd Exploration San Rafael Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration Lisbon Valley Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration Pine Ridge Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration Harts Point Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration Fry Canyon Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration San Rafael Property
UT Global Uranium Corporation Exploration Dome Plateau Property
UT Laramide Resources Ltd Exploration La Sal Project
UT MAX Resource Corp Exploration PPCO Property
UT Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Little Egypt Property
UT Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Big Muddy Property
UT Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Cedar Mountain Property
UT Mesa Uranium Corp Exploration Lisbon Valley Property
UT Mill Bay Ventures Inc Exploration BP Claims
UT Quaterra Resources Inc Exploration
UT Trigon Uranium Corp Exploration Henry Mountains Project
UT Trigon Uranium Corp Exploration Marysvale Property
UT U.S. Energy Corp Exploration Velvet Mine
UT Universal Uranium Ltd Exploration Lisbon Valley Property
UT Uranium Energy Corp Exploration
UT Uranium Power Corp Exploration Sahara Mine
WA International Arimex Resources Exploration
WA Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Bond Property
WA Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Nancy Creek Property
WY Cameco Corporation Exploration Gas Hills-Peach Property
WY Cameco Corporation Exploration Ruby Ranch Property
WY Canyon Resources Corporation Exploration Converse Jt Vent
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration AC Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Antelope Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Battle Spring Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration BL Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration CD Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Cyclone Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration DW Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration EC Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Horse Creek Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration JAB Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration JK Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration KM & KME Blocks
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Laramie Project
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Midway Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Moore Ranch Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Moss Agate Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Nine Mile Lake Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration OZ Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Peterson Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration PN Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Red Rim Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Rocky Draw Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration RM Block
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration South Powder River Basin Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Twin Buttes Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Western Sheep Mountain Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration VR Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Allemand-Ross Project
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration North Platte Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration North Platte Extension and Herma Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Le Bar-Hall Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration East Douglas Property (Sand Creek Joint Venture)
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Reno Creek Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Ruby Ranch Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Red Desert Property
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Gas Hills
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration Sweet Claims
WY Energy Metals Corporation Exploration QC Claims
WY Kilgore Minerals Ltd Exploration
WY Magnum Uranium Corp Exploration Lye Property
WY Malapai Resources Company Exploration
WY Northern Canadian Minerals Inc Exploration
WY Pathfinder Mines Corporation Exploration
WY Powertech Uranium Corp Exploration Dewey Terrace Property
WY Powertech Uranium Corp Exploration Aladdin Project
WY Quaterra Resources Inc Exploration
WY Strathmore Minerals Corp Exploration
WY Strathmore Minerals Corp Exploration Cedar Rim
WY Tournigan Gold Corporation Exploration
WY Trans America Industries Ltd Exploration
WY Trans America Industries Ltd Exploration Sundance Project
WY U.S. Energy Corp Exploration Sheep Mountain Property
WY Ur-Energy Inc Exploration Great Divide Basin Project
WY Ur-Energy Inc Exploration Shirley Basin Project
WY Ur-Energy Inc Exploration Kaycee Project
WY Ur-Energy Inc Exploration Shamrock Project
WY Uranerz Energy Corporation Exploration
WY Uranerz Energy Corporation Exploration
WY Uranium Energy Corp Exploration
WY Uranium Power Corp Exploration Sheep Mountain
Laramide Resources Ltd Exploration Sioux Project
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